The office desk has become a second home to most adults who work a 9-5 job. It can be infuriating knowing that someone has sat in your chair or moved your pens. For this reason we have created the 10 Cool Office Desk Security Gadgets list for your perusal. Having these gadgets on and around your desk will ensure a.) Nobody steps near your territory, b.) people will think twice before before stealing something and c.) You get to have lots of fun. Check out the list of gadgets below. [Read more…]
10 Cool Office Desk Security Gadgets
28 LED Foldable Desk Light
If you like the crisp bright light that LED’s can deliver then this 28 LED desk light will be perfect for you. Three light modes are available which allows you to adjust how bright this thing shines. For the lowest brightness you set it to use 4 LED’s while 16 or 28 LED’s increase the brightness. [Read more…]
BT2 Employee Monitor
The BT2 monitor system is made by Exmocare and allows employers to keep tabs on how their staff are doing “inside”, meaning in a heart rate, body temperature etc… way. It takes readings of a member of staff wearing it and reports it back to a central location where the manager [Read more…]
Electronic Post-It Note
The Post-It note was a great invention which many people still use today. Looking around the edges of my LCD I see several of them with tasks and information that I need to have at hand. They have served millions for years as self reminders. The problem with post-it notes is that they create a lot of clutter if not controlled. If I left my post it notes I could end up completely covering the edge of my screen with them. This is where the Electronic Post-It Note comes in to play. The home made device uses a computer track pad and a small LCD screen so you can electronically keep your post-it notes safe. When the task is complete you can then hit a button to erase the note clearing it for the next reminder you need to set. The device is powered by a rechargeable battery and requires some custom code to get it working. Luckily PopSci have done the hard work for you!
The project costs about $175 to build and is classed as a “hard” project to complete with it taking someone skilled about 7 hours.
Instructions Via: TechFresh
Belkin USB Hub for your Desk
The Belkin USB hub is one of those brilliant designs that you wonder why it hasn’t been thought of before. The USB hub is shaped to fit perfectly in to an office desk grommet hole which can be found towards each back corner of most desks. A lot of gadgets these days require a USB port and this gadget provides just what you need for easy access with out the hassle of another couple of cables getting in the way on your desk. A few different sizes are available to fix the correct type of desk, so before you order make sure you check out your desk.
The USB Hub comes with a small power supply which attaches under the desk along side the USB cable that connects the hub to your PC. By having it’s own power source, it allows the USB hub to power more demanding devices.
What if you do not have a grommet hole? The option here is to get a drill and make your own. Just be careful with a drill though!
Via: SlipperyBrick
Magic Brain Calculator built a long long time ago
The Magic Brain Calculator was a device used many years ago (mabye 1950’s) to solve maths problems. It requires you reset it to all zero’s to begin with and after a bit of practise you can solve many types of mathematical calculations. Clearing the device is just a matter of pulling the metal bar at the top of the machine and pushing it back in. Calculations of up to 8 digits can be performed such as addition, subtraction and multiplication. There are no details on if this device can divide although I am sure the brainy ones among you could work that out. The system works by using the stylus to drag the columns of numbers either up or down depending on the calculation you are performing. By doing this, and in the right order the numbers at the top will eventually give you the answer you need.
I am unable to find if the Magic Brain Calculator is still available although with a bit of hunting I bet you could track one down. It was built in Japan almost 60 years ago so good luck!
Via: Computer Museum
Hawaii Chair – Crazy Office Chair
The Hawaii chair is a crazy “exercise” type chair which is supposedly able to give you a workout by just sitting down. I can just imagine the board of directors having a meeting hula’ing away while discussing million dollar contracts.
How can this be comfortable?
Digital Measuring Tape
This tape measure has a digital display which can show you the actual measurement in digital format while using the regular type of measuring tape. A nice feature is it’s ability to store in memory the measurements so that you do not need to write them down right away. The digital display can show measurements in inches, feet or metric which can be easily switched between with the push of a button.
The tape is available from ThinkGeek and costs $24.99.
Via: GeekAlerts
Iomega ZIP Drive Desk Clock
The ZIP drive from Iomega was cool back in the days when flash drives were not around and floppy drives were the other best option. What happens now that they are not needed, or broken? You hack away at it to make an Iomega ZIP Drive Desk Clock. This clock pictured above is made from a recycled ZIP 100 drive and uses the original circuit board, drive head and motor armature. It stands 5.5 inches tall and is 4 inches wide. To keep it standing the clock sits on an acrylic stand.
There is just 1 of these in stock and it costs $34.99. Go grab it quickly!
Via: Etsy
The Best Digital Voice Recorder
What makes this Digital Voice Recorder “the best”? According to Hammacher, this digital voice recorder gives superior playback clarity at distance. Testing of this digital voice recorder was done at 20 feet away from a source and proved to have better sound clarity then any others that were tested along side. It achieves this with a variable control voice actuator which can set the correct volume level to record at.
record voices without obscuring Ps, Bs, and Ss up to 40′ away, 10′ more than the nearest tested model. The recorder is easy to set up for initial recording a nd its built-in 256MB memory allows it to record up to 66 1/2 hours in LP mode.
It connects to a PC via USB allowing you to transfer the audio easily. Powered by AA batteries it can record up to 32 hours before needing a recharge.
Product Page $169.95
USB Mushroom Lamp
These USB Mushroom lamps are a perfect way of lighting up your computer desk. They are designed just like the mushroom’s from the famous Mario games and are powered by USB from your computer. If you do not have a USB port, or do not even have a computer then these lamps can be powered by batteries also. Costing just $13 you get some quite cool ambient lights for your office.
Product Page
Plantarium Vial Garden
These glass tubes contain an interesting gel made by NASA scientists. The gel allows seeds to be grown inside the tubes and as the gel is transparent, you can also see the plant growing below the service. The glass tubes are 7 inches tall and there are 5 different varieties available which are basil, melon, marigold, pepper, sunflower or tomato.
Each plantarium vial garden costs $9.95 from brooklyn5and10.
Via: FreshPilot