Samsung Galaxy S Sales Hit 5 Million

Samsung has a goal of shifting 10 million Samsung Galaxy S smartphones within the first year of launch. Just a few months after launching the smartphone around the world they have already hit 5 million. Just a month ago an announcement was made that 1 million of them had been shifted in the US.

It’s hard to say if they will reach the 10 million target as demand for the phone will naturally die down as various other Android smartphones get launched. However, they are off to a good start.

With the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Tab around the corner, this will also boost sales of the range of Galaxy Class devices.

The Samsung Galaxy S was a big hit when it launched thanks to its AMOLED screen and very powerful chipset inside. It has a 1GHz processor that can shift 90 million triangles per second. It runs Android 2.1 (should be an update to 2.2 landing soon) and has all the usual connectivity such as WiFi, Bluetooth and the rest.

Via: Geeky Gadgets

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