HTC Scorpion Listed

Several months ago, rumors were going around about the HTC Scorpion smartphone.

At the time, we heard that the smartphone was to use a 1.5GHz CPU that would be dual-core and that it would run Android 2.2. The Android 2.2 part has obviously been and gone as we are now transitioning to Android 2.3, but what we have yet to see is the phone or the processor.

After not hearing about it for months, we might have thought this was the end of the rumour. That is until GameLoft added the HTC Scorpion to a list of compatible devices for the new Lets Golf! 2 HD game.

With this in mind, we might actually hear soon about plans for this new smartphone, unless of course, GameLoft added it by mistake to the list of compatible phones.

Via: UberGizmo

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