HTC Scorpion to get 1.5GHz CPU and Android 2.2 on Verizon – Rumour

Back in February we heard of rumours about a new smartphone from HTC called the HTC Scorpion. At the time it was rumoured that the smartphone would run a new 1.5GHz processor from Qualcomm (meaning an update to the 1GHz Snapdragon) and run the Android 2.2 operating system from Google [GOOG].

Another rumour has been added to the HTC Scorpion set of rumours with the new one saying the device is real and that it is going to be launched on the Verizon [VZ] network and will include support for WiMax.

What isn’t clear is the CPU it will use. Is it a 1.5GHz Qualcomm, or perhaps the new dual-core 1.2GHz Snapdragon that was recently announced?

With it all being rumours at the moment we won’t know for sure until an official announcement is made, or when some sort of good enough leak arrives that confirms what is inside.

The rumours come from ROM hacker conflipper who we have mentioned previously.

Via: MobileCrunch

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