HTC HD2 gets Android 2.1

Last week a big milestone was reached in terms of getting Android from Google [GOOG] to run on the HTC HD2. Prior to last week the team working on getting Android on to the HD2 couldn’t get HaRET to function without crashing which meant that Android couldn’t be loaded up. By making some patches the team successfully loaded up HaRET on the HD2.

Moving on a few days and the team now have managed to get Android 2.1 and Windows Mobile 6.5 booting side-by-side on the device. The Android build runs on Ubuntu Linux.

The release is far from being ready at the moment as it has a few bugs that make it unstable. However a few things do work quite well including a responsive touchscreen. As with all ports on to another device, it takes a bit of time to work out the bugs and get it ready to use fully, so we estimate another month or so before it will become usable.

If you want to test this out now on your HD2 then all the details and steps are available over at XDA Developers. Things needed to achieve the “upgrade” include a memory card with 2GB of storage free. The card needs to be a class 4 microSD for speed purposes.

Overall it looks like some good progress is being made. We’ll keep an eye on the progress of this one and report back with new findings.


  1. thank you

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