HTC Desire ROM now Ready for Nexus One

Last week we mentioned that someone had already started working on porting the HTC Desire ROM over to the Google [GOOG] Nexus One. At the time of writing that, the port wasn’t quite ready due to a few issues with memory allocations. We now hear that an Alpha version has been released.

As well as bringing Sense UI to the Nexus One, this Alpha release also brings flash 10.1 for Android to the phone. With it being in Alpha there are still a few niggles in the ROM that are still being worked out.

If you want to test out the Desire ROM on your Nexus One then you are in luck as some instructions have been created that take you through the process step by step. As always, just be careful not to brick your phone and do at your own risk.

To get the OS installed you need to root your Nexus One. Following that you need to get a recovery file, install that. Once installed you then need to get a copy of the HTC Desire ROM and copy it to the SD card for installation on to your Nexus One. Of course, these aren’t the full instructions but the basic outline of what needs to be done has been written. Full details can be found over at Redmond Pie.


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