Xbox 360 Slim gets Red Dot of Death

When a regular Xbox 360 breaks down the Red Ring of Death appears. This happened a lot of times since the Xbox was first introduced. Now that Microsoft [MSFT] has released the new Xbox 360 slim, we now hear that it wont have the RRoD. That’s not to say it wont get hardware failures mind you and instead we hear that a red dot will appears on the power indicator making it the Red Dot of Death.

Deciding to take the opportunity for a clean break, Microsoft has not included any red lights in the console’s “ring of light”, only green ones, so if something goes wrong this time around, you’ll get a …green ring of death. Which is surely more calming! red dot of death (see below).

Obviously it isn’t clear if the number of Red Dot of Deaths will match the number or % of Red Ring of Deaths. Lets hope not as that was one of the big downfalls of the Xbox 360 originally.

The Xbox Slim was announced just this week over at E3. The new model comes with more storage space, 250GB to be exact and built in Wifi. As well as being upgraded it also has been quietened down from the previous larger model.

We expect the Xbox 360 Slim to be launched in the UK on July 16 where it will have a price tag of £200.

Via: Gizmodo


  1. Nice!

  2. PS3 had YLOD andd BRLOD and the new slim model seems to of fixed it, so don’t see any reason why the same will not also apply to the 360 slim..
    Looks great

  3. So when the red dot of death come up dose the 360 slim gets mashed up


  5. it’s easy to fix just take out the harddrive and shake it a bit and then but it back and it works so everyone who are looking for a solution because it worked for me.

  6. ILoveYoshix says

    Yeah I Got An X-BOX 360 Kinect After My Last X-BOX 360 Muffed itself up by the death red dot . my x-box isnt over heated and i dont know what to do 😛

  7. My son got his xbox Dec 28th and its doing this already on Jan 15th?!?!? Nice! What a piece of junk!

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