World Smallest Projector

World Smallest Projector
Several tiny projectors have appeared recently. I was amazed at a trip to PC World when I saw a really small one on sale. The thing was tiny, or so I thought. Along comes the Explay Projector. It is the size of a mobile phone and can project an image from a source such as an iPod video at a low resolution of 320 x 240. This is not the max size though as Explay promise that higher resolutions are on the way. The projector uses a mixture of laser and LED to create the image and to save on battery life as well as heat. The image size isnt huge, but still a lot larger then your mobile phone or iPod screen. This is not bad for a projector that could be carried in your pocket. More information will be available later this year and we look forwards to this projector and seeing how it progresses through out 2007.

Via: Gizmodo

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