USB Hamburger Flash Drive

USB Hamburger Flash Drive
USB Flash Drives come in many shapes and sizes these days. The latest one I came across today was the Hamburger version which has a 2GB storage capacity and can transfer data at 8MBps. It supports USB 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 2.0, so however old your PC is you should be ok. The drive has at least 10 years of data retention and it can be written to 1 million times. I think that will suffice as in 10 years 2GB will be laughed at just like my PSION 128K flash disk 10 years ago. It is named Freshly Baked and looks quite cool.

The freshly baked (not really) drive will cost you $59.99 from Vavolo.

Via: TodayGadgets


  1. CASH for COMMENTS says

    that’s kind of cool.

  2. hello dear,

    I’m interested in your usb flash ,please contact me .

    celly an

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