Sync iTunes via DropBox to Connect Multiple Computers

LifeHacker has created a handy tutorial that allows you to store your iTunes library in the DropBox service. What this does is allow you to sync your iPhone, iPad or iPod to a number of computers without getting any syncing errors or conflicts.

Normally, your iPhone and other iOS devices can only sync to 1 computer running iTunes and when plugging your device in to another machine, files are missing as well as other complications such as when using an iPad, it asks if you want to start from scratch and erase all data from your iPad.

DropBox is a service that easily lets you sync files across the internet. What you get is a handy app that you install on your PC or Mac. You can then drag files and folders in to it and those files are uploaded to the cloud. When installing DropBox on another device you can then get the same files synced and shared across any computer you own.

What makes the DropBox service more handy is that the iPhone, BlackBerry and Android smartphones all have DropBox apps available. If your iTunes library is in DropBox, you can play your music over the internet if you don’t have it stored locally.

Anyway, rather than waffling on for much longer I recommend you check out the Life Hacker DropBox/iTunes tutorial and follow it through to make sure you tackle the handful of complications that can arise. Article over here.


  1. Thanks for posting this !

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