StarCraft II – 1.5 Million Copies in 48 Hours Sold

StarCraft II took a long time to arrive, but when it did just a few days ago, a staggering 1.5 million copies of it were sold in the first 48 hours.

To compare these numbers to the original StarCraft… it took the games company a whole year to sell 1.5 million copies.

More statistics reveal that in the first 24 hours, 1 million copies were sold which gives it the title of the best selling launch title for a PC in 2010. The game is also the fastest selling strategy game on record.

Back on to the original StarCraft game. The title has sold almost 1 million copies a year which over the last 12 years has added up to a total of 11 million copies. If StarCraft II sales continue to be high, it is expected that it will sell that many copies in the first year or so.

Via: Coated

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