Samsung Galaxy S Android 2.3 Update Ported from Nexus S

The guys over at XDA Developers have managed to port the Google Nexus S Android 2.3 OS on to the older Samsung Galaxy S.

The port of the OS was installed unmodified which in turn, means a few things are broken such as GPS (already broken, so not a problem), Voice, WiFI and a few other things although a few modifications should sort those issues out.

The good side of it all shows that the Galaxy S Android 2.3 port is actually running rather well in terms of performance. Once the other bugs can be ironed out, it looks like those running a Galaxy S will be in for some treats.

Check out the videos below to see how it runs and what its all about.

Via: Engadget


  1. Samsung galaxy s is very good phone with best feature. I like your article. Thanks for sharing information

  2. the differences between nexus s and galaxy s is the firmware only……but still you can update galaxy s to 2.3 …….. galaxy s has features that nexus s doesnot…
    NEXUS S GALAXY S 2.1 3.0 fm-radio 2.there is fm-radio
    and trust me there are more……
    but i am not saying galaxy s is the best…ahh oh ah……….better check it out.

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