Nintendo Could bring 3D to Next Home Console

Nintendo announced the Nintendo 3DS earlier this week. The portable handheld uses a glasses-free 3D effect that allows you to view 3D games whilst on the move.

We also hear from Nintendo that they could be introducing 3D in to their next games console, perhaps the Nintendo Wii 2. Rather than just throwing it unnecessarily in to a games console, the company is actually looking at 3D TV adoption rates where it has set a bar at about 30% adoption before it will consider launching a new 3D console.

“If you display a 3D image, the image quality becomes extremely bad, so we’d probably do it with the next system…We’re thinking that the timing should be once the 3D television adoption rates crosses the 30% mark. We’re looking at the adoption trends.”

The next generation Wii (perhaps) that will use 3D will use the regular sort of 3D where shutter glasses are required. This is from what we understand although that could change if glasses-less 3D becomes mainstream by using technology from the likes of Microsoft who is working in that area.

We expect it will be a few years away yet, but it’s certainly interesting to see what Nintendo think of the next generation home consoles.

Via: Gizmodo


  1. james braselton says

    hi there wow 3d tvs with out glasses coming soon you have 2 companes that have 3d with out glasses soo amazone has a 37 inch and 42 inch stream tvs with out glasses and xyz tvs also no glasses reqieed 19 inch 24 inch 46 inch 62 inch and 72 inch 3d tvs with out glasses

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