Nintendo 3DS Could Launch This Year

Nintendo America’s president, Reggie Fils-Aime, mentioned on Jimmy Fallon that the launch of the Nintendo 3DS was going to be next year.

This falls in-line with what we have heard before other than one region getting it this year.

According to Nintendo though, he got the release year wrong. Nintendo sources in Japan were told that the Nintendo 3DS isn’t launching next year. This adds a little confusion though as Nintendo also will not announce if it’s launching this year either.

Kotaku who first reported the news are trying to find out who is right and who is wrong, but for now it seems it is launching next year but with a slight possibility it could launch everywhere by Christmas this year which would make a lot more sense.

Check out the video below to hear Reggie announce next year although he was mid-game when making that comment.

Via: Gizmodo

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