New Features Added to Twitter

A couple of new features have been added to Twitter which aim to make the service more helpful and more sticky as Gigaom puts it. The new features bring in more interaction with the service which now allows you to see more detail about your tweets and who retweeted or added a tweet as a favourite.

The @mentions is one of the features that now shows a realtime stream of which of your tweets has performed the best. This mentioned those that are favourite of others as well as those retweeted by others. The data also shows the newest followers of those people allowing you to follow more people. At the moment this information is only available to those who use the website version of twitter although we suspect it will be pushed out to mobile apps and mobile browser versions in the near future.

The other new tool being added is the activity tab that shows retweets and general activity of the people that you follow.

The new features have rolled out now and should make Twitter a lot more useful for users.

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