IREX e-Reader Enters US Market

IREX-DR800SGIREX are introducing the DR800SG e-reader to North America. The e-reader is similar to a Kindle and uses black and white e-Ink to display text on the screen. The screen is also touchscreen measuring 8.1 inches.

Controls for the IREX include a stylus and touchscreen combination as well as a bar on the right side that acts as a joystick so to speak. When reading news papers the paper is zoomed out to fill the screen in proportion and then the e-reader lets you zoom in to the parts you want to read.

To download books to the IREX you can use the always-on 3G connection that is built in. There are no monthly fee’s for using the service from Verizon as the price of the ebook reader includes the service charge. Barnes & Noble will be responsible for providing books to readers and most books will sell at $9.99. You can sync the eBook reader to a Windows PC although with the 3G connection being freely available you might not need to connect it up.

The IREX will be available from Bestbuy costing $399 when launched. Other notable news from IREX is that they plan to have a colour e-Reader available by 2011 which is great! Via: DVice

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