iPhone 5 Found in a Bar – No Pictures

CNET has reported that an iPhone 5 was lost then found and sold on Craigslist towards the end of July. The iPhone 5 was lost by an employee and when found, it sold for about $200 on the Craigslist website.

It reminds us of what happened last year when Gizmodo purchased an iPhone 4 for $5000 and put pictures of it up on the Internet. This time around Apple was a little more lucky in that no pictures have been released.

The bar the iPhone 5 was found in was the Cava22 in San Francisco. Unfortunately we don’t know any details of what it looks like or what OS it was running. We’re assuming it had iOS 5 on it for testing although as soon as Apple was notified it was missing, it would be remotely wiped or locked.

The phone was also traced back to an apartment, but after a search the police couldn’t find it.

When San Francisco police and Apple’s investigators visited the house, they spoke with a man in his twenties who acknowledged being at Cava 22 on the night the device went missing. But he denied knowing anything about the phone. The man gave police permission to search the house, and they found nothing, the source said. Before leaving the house, the Apple employees offered the man money for the phone no questions asked, the source said, adding that the man continued to deny he had knowledge of the phone.

We don’t expect to see any pictures come from this particular iPhone 5, so for now we’ll have to wait on other leaks which may or may not be correct and also of course, the official announcement which could be in the next 4 to 6 weeks.

The above image is not the actual iPhone 5.

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