iPhone 3G and 3GS Unlock for iOS 4.1 Could Launch This Weekend

iOS 4.2.1 was released a few days ago which signaled a time to prepare for the older baseband on the iPhone 3G and 3GS to be unlocked. Estimations were showing that Ultrasn0w was being prepared for launch either Wednesday or Thursday this week.

Musclenerd has stepped in saying (in a tweet)…

Good progress today…everything is on track for updated ultrasn0w by Sunday/Funday at the latest (longer for iPhone4!)

Remember not to upgrade to iOS 4.2.1 just yet if you plan to unlock. If you do that then your 3G and 3GS will be unlockable for the foreseeable future. Also, if you run an iPhone 4 then that particular baseband on both 4.1 and 4.2.1 is also unlockable and will be for a while longer.

As soon as Ultrasn0w is launched, we’ll let you know.

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