iOS 6 Beta 4 download now ready

Apple released the beta 4 version of iOS 6 to developers yesterday. Along with that update, several new changes were included as well as a number of the usual bug fixes that prepare it for a full release in September or October.

One of the big changes was the built-in YouTube app that has been removed. Apple has commented in a statement that the agreement came to an end but that Google is working on a new app for YouTube that will be available in the app store.

Maps has been updated to include a number of cities with several in the UK and Europe including Manchester and Birmingham. Several US cities were also added with 3D maps.

Till now, Passbook has been just a place holder for an app although a subtle change occurred in the iOS 6 beta 4 update. The app now includes a link to the App Store where you will soon be able to download Passbook compatible apps.

Siri has had a slight upgrade and when you ask for help it has several things you can enter that are new to Siri.

Other minor tweaks can be found such as better bluetooth sharing options and a few cosmetic changes to the menus.

We expect the GM release to be in the next couple of weeks and perhaps a few weeks after that, a full launch along side an iPhone 5 or whatever that device will be called.


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