Hydrogen RC Car – Fits Regular Tamiya Chassis

I have see a few cool Hydrogen powered gadgets around over the last year or so. This latest one appears to be the latest and greatest one though. It costs $1500 which isn’t cheap, but the kit does fit in to a Tamiya TT-01 type chassis. The fuel cell is named the FCJJ-21 and has a 30W air-cooled PEM fuel cell. Fuel is stored in 3 10L metal hydride canisters.

You may wonder why you would want to fork out $1500 for a power source like this. Well, this fuel cell can power your RC car at good speed for over an hour. The most you normally get from an RC charge is up to 15 minutes when using Nimh batteries.

I cannot wait for this to drop in price as it would be great to play with RC cars for more then 15 minutes.

Via: gopaultech


  1. you said card in stead of car XD

  2. You can buy Li-Po batteries for few bucks and have run time in your RC car for a few hours. I have my car with 22V 140A engine (3080W) and I have runtime about an hour from my Li-Po batteries. Thats about a hundred times more power and it’s at least 10 times cheaper.

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