HTC Sense for Windows Phone 7 – Could be Fake

The video below could be fake although we are not 100% in the know on either decision.

It supposedly shows a demo of what HTC Sense will look like when run on Windows Phone 7. The main problem here is that Microsoft doesn’t allow modifications to how the home screen functions, so right now it is believed that HTC will create an app to replicate functions on the phone.

Although it looks good and quite flashy, we are not too convinced this is what will be showing up on Windows Phone 7 as it seems a little too much in details for what users want in a mobile phone experience.

What are your thoughts? Should HTC release something like this on WP7? or are the animations just a little over the top? We think the latter.

Via: GSM Arena


  1. I really like it, and if you pay attention to the demo, you will see that there is a HTC portal hub, and that is allowed by Microsoft. They have just created shortcuts on the home screen. I like the animations, and believe that MS could have add some eye candy to their phone to attract consumers as Apple has. They OS seems to be very smooth so far so i really hope it stays that way.

  2. Yes i do think it is really over the top, i really wanted to get a HTC windows phone 7 but if HTC do that i think i will be with samsung. :\, the best thing about winpho7 is its siimplesness. 🙂

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