Honeycomb Features to Get Added to Android 2.4

When Honeycomb was announced, we heard that the new version would be designed for mainly tablets although smaller devices such as smartphones could also be made compatible in the future.

We now hear that the next smartphone version of Android which is 2.4 AKA Ice Cream, will now borrow some of the features from Honeycomb.

The new Ice Cream version is being built now with the GRI17 branch name and it is expected that the features ported over will include the new acceleration and RenderScript although a lot of the larger features designed for the tablet alone will of course be left out.

We heard yesterday that Google uses Fragments in Android 3.0 which allows apps like Mail to pull in various fragments such as the sidebar and preview pane to make it better for a larger screen. Android 2.4 could also work with fragments and use the Honeycomb versions but without the fragments designed for the larger screen.

It isn’t known when Android 2.4 will be launching, but we estimate it will be somewhere between 6 to 10 months from the launch of Gingerbread which went live in December, so perhaps sometime between May and September we can expect a 2.4 launch.

Via: Geeky Gadgets

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