Google Docs on Android 2.2 and iOS Editing Coming Soon

Google [GOOG] has announced an update to the Google Docs web service for those accessing it from an iOS or Android 2.2 device. As of yesterday, those running the said devices now have the ability to edit documents whilst on the move.

iOS 3.0 is what is needed for those on the iPad, iPhone or iPod touch. For those running Android devices, the service requires that you are running at least Android 2.2 (ie, the current latest version).

Being able to edit whilst on the move is a welcomed move. One important note is that this is for Documents as Spreadsheets is already editable in the mobile version (although a little clunky).

The video below shows a demonstration of how Document Editing works and what can be done with it. One interesting point they make is that Android 2.2 users get the ability to use voice to make notes in Google Docs.

Via: Zath

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