Garmin have announced a new Fitness Watch named the Garmin FR60. It comes bundled with a heart rate monitor and a GPS receiver giving you the perfect watch to track how you are doing and where you went.
The Garmin FR60 gets you connected while running or at the gym. Features also include a calorie counter and information can be collected from a range of other linked pieces of equipment. The watch is wireless allowing it to communicate and share data without having to connect it up.
The Garmin FR60 uses ANT+ compatible devices to send data to it. These devices include a foot pod that measures speed and distance and is a good idea for use where a GPS device cannot be used such as a gym.
With this affordable yet sophisticated fitness watch, Garmin broadens its appeal to the millions of consumers who want to burn calories and track workouts in a cost-effective manner. While the FR60 processes much of the same data as its GPS-enabled predecessors, those functions are packaged in a very compact device the size of a typical fitness watch. The FR60 can track and record up to 15 hours and 100 laps of detailed exercise data. And because the FR60 records its data from the heart rate monitor, foot pod and ANT+ compatible fitness equipment, users can exercise indoors.
More Details Via: SlashGear
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