Fring Adds DVQ (Dynamic Video Quality)

Fring has introduced a new technology to its services called DVQ. DVQ means Dynamic Video Quality, and by adding this service it allows for users making video calls to get the best possible video quality for the quality of connection they have at the time.

DVQ technology automatically, and continuously during a call, adjusts your video call quality to match your internet bandwidth at all times, giving you the best video and audio quality possible for your connectivity.

That means that rather than ‘making do’ with a basic, fixed video quality call, you get an optimized video quality that matches your calls’ available bandwidth. In math terms, our dev guys have gone from ‘lowest common denominator’ to best possible– wherever you are’.

Fring first added video calls just over a year ago. What they expect now is that the DVQ service will make them even better for users who get a better amount of data transfer.

Fring is available in the app store.

Via: Fring

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