Facebook for Android Update Brings Integrated Chat and Push

The Facebook app for Android has received an update. What the update brings to Android smartphones is the ability to chat with friends with the integrated chat service. Also, push notifications have been added to the app.

Prior to the release of the latest Facebook app, users had to rely on 3rd party apps to use Facebook chat. LifeHacker is reporting that the integrated chat is working quite well.

As for push integration, this runs in the background and can be used to alert you each time a new chat message comes through to you on Facebook, even when not in the Facebook app.

These new features with a few bug fixes are making the Facebook for Android app a little better. It is now on par with the iOS version.


  1. Check ReChat (facebook chat for android):
    – multiple accounts;
    – plain/bubble views. Customize avatar/font sizes.
    – font packs (download separate apk to keep memory).
    – full Unicode support;
    – favorites (always in contact list);
    – customize income message notification: default sound/your sound file, LED, vibration, status bar notification.
    – chat history. Export (email) selected messages, open chat messages, whole history for a contact, whole history for all contacts. Archive attachment with 7zip.

    Facebook features:
    – all non-chat permissions are revoked, customize period, “revoke now”.
    – upload image/short video (several share options)
    – send image/short video to a contact (private wall post).
    – send message to a contact (as a private event or private wall post).
    – set status message.

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