Cisco to make Wi-Fi Flip, FaceTime Video Client and More

Cisco [CSCO] is looking forwards to video over the next few years. Over at Cisco Live! a few new details were announced which show where the company wants to go. First up is mention of the next generation Flip camera. The new camera will have Wi-Fi built in allowing you to more easily transfer files between devices or upload to Youtube direct without having to connect the Flip physically to a computer. We could expect to see wireless added to the Flip in time for Christmas although no specific announcement was made.

Another product mentioned is called the Media Experience Engine that allows Adobe Flash to work on the iPhone.

“We have a solution for Steve’s problem,” De Beer said, referring to Apple CEO Steve Jobs, who has defended Apple’s much-criticized rejection of the Flash media player operating on its mobile devices, and favors using HTML5 instead.

Timing for this service is also unavailable although we could expect it this year.

Finally there was mention of Cisco supporting Apple [AAPL] FaceTime video chat with Cisco developing an application that could support video calls on the iPhone 4. As with the other two items mentioned, Cisco did not have any release dates available for their app.

Via: Computer World

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