Chrome OS Update Rolls Out

Google has rolled out a Chrome OS update that makes it faster at resuming and brings a few new features. Google begins its announcement by saying:

One of the things that excites us about Chromebooks is that unlike other computers, the user experience automatically gets better over time.

As well as making Chromebooks resume 32 percent faster the company has also added the Netflix service to the operating system which allows you another option to watch video.

Kindle Cloud Reader is another application that has been added to the OS which allows you to read your Kindle ebooks through the Chrome browser rather than having to install an application. A new edition to Google Cloud Print has been added as well. This new feature lets you print to Google Docs rather than to paper.

Finally, VPN and secure 802.1X WiFi has been added to Chrome OS along with the usual array of bug fixes.

Chrome OS launched back in June on two laptops. It appears that Google is following a rough 8 week cycle for pushing out updates which also follows along with updates to the Chrome browser (in regards to the time between updates). As the opening sentence of Googles post suggested, the OS keeps getting better over time. It still might not be as full featured as it could be, but the whole concept of just logging in to any Chrome OS device and carrying on working has major advantages when compared to regular operating systems. Also, Chrome OS for tablets is expected soon which means the tablet, laptop and potentially the desktop could all be seamlessly integrated.


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