BlackBerry Mobile Ads

Research in Motion [RIMM] is rumoured to be looking at buying a mobile ad network to generate more revenue for the company. The networks are believed to be similar to that of Google [GOOG], Apple [AAPL] in that the ads will target mobile pages.

This move appears to have arrived because of the success of the Apple iPhone as well as the rise of Google Android based smartphones which are eating in to sales of the BlackBerry range of phone.

Mobile ads offer a new window to make money, big money, especially when you consider the number of mobile devices that have an Internet connection. To try and get a piece of this pie, RIM tried to purchase Millennial Media, but at $500 million, the asking price was just to high for the struggling company.

What are your thoughts on RIM buying in to the mobile ad network space? Can they make it happen? or are they best concentrating on the BlackBerry range of phones to make them better?

Via: Coated

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