Apple Takes 60 Percent of Global Touch Panel Capacity

Reports indicate that Apple has managed to secure 60 percent of the global touch screen capacity and in turn, could possibly create shortages for the rest of the industry.

If the reports are correct, it appears that Apple is spending a large amount of cash to get the screens at the best price possible, much like they did with flash memory a few years ago.

Apple has a goal of shifting 40 million iPads in 2011 and securing this amount of screens will be an essential part of this success.

Rumors of two iPads launching this year have been heard with the first being the iPad 2 that will be the next gen model of the original iPad. The next model is the iPad 3 or perhaps a mini iPad with a 7 inch screen. This is rumored to launch around September of this year although this particular rumor is by no means confirmed.

We expect to hear an announcement about the iPad 2 within the next few weeks. As for Apple securing the majority of touch panels, we might not find out those details for a few years to come.

Via: 9to5Mac

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