Is Apple Offering Anti-Glare MacBook Screens?

macbook-pro-gold-glareWhen the iPhone was launched it came with a nice glossy screen, covered in glass that helped give a crystal clear and sharp display. A couple of years ago these glass-enclosed screens were put on new macs and MacBooks and it worked quite well… for most people that is.

However, some users are not into super shiny screens as they can be often awkward to work with due to light reflecting off the screen making it sometimes hard to read. A rumour is saying that Apple will be looking at extending their anti-glare screens that are only currently available for 17″ macbooks for $50.

The rumour is saying that the anti-glare screens will soon be options for 13″ and 15″ MacBooks also. We don’t have any official information on this just yet. The information was first mentioned on Apple Insider who will no doubt get the full details shortly.

Via: I4U

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