Apple Mac Defender Security Update Bypassed Temporarily

Earlier this week, Apple uploaded a security update that aimed to fix the Mac Defender malware that had been causing problems for some Mac owners over the last few weeks. The update is available through the update services in OS X. When installed, it gets rid of the Mac Defender malware and also scans for variants of it.

Within 8 hours of the security update going live, a new variation of Mac Defender had been created which bypassed the new security restrictions that Apple put in place.

One thing you need to do to keep your Mac safe is make sure you check for updates regularly. The security update has a 24 hour interval between checking for updates unless a reboot happens. At the point of 24 hours, or a reboot, the system checks for updates and then rescans. If you think you’ve been infected then do a quick update to get the latest definitions.

The latest infection makes it three variants of the OSX.MacDefender.C malware.

Good luck keeping clear of it and make sure you install the security update as soon as you can!

Source Via: Techmeme

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