Apple iPhone 3GS 16GB now $97 at Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart is dropping the price of the 16GB Apple iPhone 3GS down to $97 starting today. This move is expected due to the release of the newer unannounced/leaked Apple iPhone 4G that should be launching next month.

By dropping prices, it is expected that the retailer will clear out most of it’s remaining inventory to make way for the next generation device.

The new price knocks around $100 off the previous price which was $199. To get the 16GB 3GS at $97 you need to enter a two year agreement with AT&T.

It is also expected that other retailers who are authorised to sell the iPhone will follow suit and drop prices in preparation for next months launch.

If you still want an iPhone 3GS then I’d be tempted to take advantage now of the new offer that Wal-Mart has as it’s a great deal.

Via: CNN


  1. elisabeth says

    how can i get this iphone with $ 97?

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