Android Magazine iPhone App Banned by Apple

Apple [AAPL] recently published its app store submission guidelines that allowed developers to see exactly what the rules are to get an app published in the app store.

We hear that Apple has banned a new app from appearing in the app store. The app is an Android Magazine from a Danish publisher. The app basically covered all things Android. It appears on the surface that Apple didn’t approve.

“So what’s the problem?” Dixon asked, knowing full well what the problem was.

“You know… your magazine,” replied the Apple rep, who identified himself only as Richard. “It’s just about Android…. we can’t have that in our App Store.”

There’s always another side to the story though which unfortunately we wont find out for sure. Apple doesn’t really speak of the reasons apps are banned, but on the surface, it looks like they didn’t approve because it was Android.

Via: CultofMac

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