Android 2.0 or 2.0.1 Coming to T-Mobile G1

Those of you with a T-Mobile G1 could be getting an OTA (over the air) update very soon taking Android on your phone to version 2.0 or perhaps even 2.0.1.

The Android Eclair update brings a number of feature to Android phones. What we do hope for is T-Mobile launching Android 2.1 which we have recently seen on the Nexus One.

One thing to remember though is that these are still just rumours and might or might not be true.

With that in mind, we’ll update the post when rumours are confirmed either way. Via: Android Spin


  1. Nothing really new posted here and it is actually unknown if the G1 will receive the Eclair update because the internal memory may not support it; your G1, like mine might be obsolete. If you want an awesome Android experience I would recommend holding out for the Nexus One with the 1GHZ processor, put that up against the 3Gs iPhone’s 600mhz processor.

  2. I have ran several 2.0+ roms that are out in the wild for the G1 and can say that many of them run extremely well. The biggest problem is that once that OS is loaded there would be NO place for the average user to install apps unless the update includes some type of apps2sd component. My G1 is rooted and there is no other way to go, if for no other reason than to be able to run apps from my sd card.

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