Amazon Kindle Fire Software Update Coming in Two Weeks

A number of users are reporting problems with the Amazon Kindle Fire. Reports indicate that the new tablet has problems with browsing speeds as well as other general performance issues. As the Kindle Fire has adequate technical specs, a software update will fix the problems. Good news is that this particular update will be arriving within a couple of weeks.

The new update for the Fire follows on about a month after the original update. As well as fixing the browser and the other performance issues, the update from Amazon will also make a few other subtle changes to the operating system. One such change is the ability to edit the carousel list used on the home-screen. Currently you are unable to make changes to this list as it can only be added to each time you open an item. The relatively small change will be welcomed though.

The New York Times also reports that a new Kindle Fire could be launching in the Spring of next year although this is just speculation at the moment. The rumours are hinting that a Fire with a different screen size could be launched, perhaps closer to 9, 10 or 11 inches.

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