Adobe Flash 10.2 Coming to Honeycomb Within Weeks

Verizon made a web page that went live in the last few days that specifically said that the Motorola Xoom would not come with Adobe Flash installed. Instead, Flash would follow sometime in the Spring.

Adobe has now posted to clarify what exactly is happening here. In a blog post, Matt Rozen from Adobe has commented that: “Adobe will offer Flash Player 10.2 pre-installed on some tablets and as an OTA download on others within a few weeks of Android 3 (Honeycomb) devices becoming available, the first of which is expected to be the Motorola Xoom.”

Adobe is currently optimising Flash to work on the tablet form factor and once released, they are confident it will do well. They also comment that over 50 tablets are shipping in 2011, each of which will use the Adobe Flash download. Also, numbers in the Android Market indicate that it is rated 4.5 stars.

So, for those picking up a Motorola Xoom in the next few days, you can expect Flash within weeks. For those tablets that ship March and beyond, we should see Flash installed out of the box, or available as a download as soon as switched on.

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