30 Million Samsung Galaxy S Smartphones Sold Around the World

Samsung has done well with the Galaxy S smartphone range. When the Samsung Galaxy S first launched it was one of the best smartphones on the market. It was powerful, had a great screen and was a great leap forwards for Android devices. The Galaxy S II has also done well for the company.

Samsung has announced today that the Galaxy S range of smartphones have seen 30 million sales since the original launch. This number represents both the Galaxy S and Galaxy S II sales.

The number comprises of 10 million Galaxy S II and 20 million Galaxy S models.

“Since its launch only five months ago, GALAXY SII has seen tremendous sales success and garnered enthusiastic reviews from consumers and mobile industry watchers across the globe. This is in addition to the continued sales momentum behind GALAXY S, which we launched at Mobile World Congress 2010 as continues to be a run-away success with consumers,” said JK Shin, President and Head of Samsung’s Mobile Communications Business.

Take a look at our Samsung Galaxy S II review here or our original Samsung Galaxy S review here.


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