128GB SSD on a Dell Mini 9

The Dell Mini 9 is a fantastic netbook due to it’s decent size and built in 3G capabilities. However, one user was not too satisfied with the smaller SSD that came standard in his netbook. Instead, he decided it would be worthwhile to upgrade it to a rather large 128GB version instead.

There is 1 problem with switching from the standard to a 128GB drive though… it doesn’t actually fit. This is where JKK decided to hack up the netbook and get a dremel on to it. By desoldering parts of the netbook and craving away some of the metal frame he actually found that the longer in length 128GB SSD could actually fit.

For full instructions on how to do this hack yourself check out JKKMobile. One thing to keep in mind is that a 128GB SSD actually costs a fair bit more then the Dell Mini 9 it’s self, so if your up for this then you really need to have a chunk of cash not in use or be crazy 🙂 Check out the video below which contains full details of the hack.

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